JSS intern teachers plan protests for permanent employment.
Junior Secondary School intern teachers who had been posted in various institutions in Nairobi are set to hold peaceful protests seeking to be given permanent and pensionable terms of employment.
The teachers are protesting seeking to be given permanent and pensionable terms of employment after doing internship for one year.
The teachers’ contracts are coming to an end this December.
The teachers wrote to the Nairobi Region Commander Adamson Bungei informing him of the planned peaceful demos.
“We as Nairobi county JSS teachers wish to notify your office of our planned peaceful march to the TSC headquarters Upper Hill to air out our grievances,” the letter to Bungei read in part.
The teachers said they will assemble at KUPPET offices along Mombasa Road before proceeding to TSC headquarters.
“This will give us a platform to effectively communicate our demands and raise awareness about the issues we are facing,” the teachers said.
“We promise to organize ourselves in a peaceful manner throughout the above stated exercise. Looking forward to a positive response from your office.”
Kisumu JSS intern teachers are also seeking to hold peaceful demos on Monday, December 4.
This is after KUPPET Kisumu Executive Secretary Zablon Awange also wrote to the OCPD in the county informing him of the planned protests.
“The above subject refers The Junior Secondary School Teachers (JSS) of Kisumu County intends to hold a peaceful demonstration from the Oile Park to TSC County headquarters at prosperity house, eventually handing over a petition to the TSC Regional Director,” the letter read.
“The purpose of this letter is to request for security as the exercise will take place between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Hoping for a prompt positive response.”
Kisii JSS intern teachers on Monday led by Duncan Ondieki, Everline Ongwacho, and Everline Mayaka said they are not ready to sign new internship terms adding that they are ready for permanent terms.
“We are asking for a clear explanation of what we shall do come January. For now, we are in limbo as the contracts are coming to an end,” said Ntabo during a press conference in downtown Kisii.
Ntabo said life was already unbearable under the terms they had been working under.
The interns are also protesting a move by TSC to employ younger graduates ahead of them.
Ntabo said already some politicians were already dishing out letters to their kin and close associates.