KUCCPS Admit Students To Teachers Training Colleges
KUCCPS Admit Students To Teachers Training Colleges
In June ,this year the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) will admit the first batch of students to teachers’ training colleges (TTCs)
This comes after the Ministry of Education delegated the Placement service the role of selecting students to TTCs in the country.
KUCCPS CEO, Dr Mercy Wahome, said that the agency would add value to the TTC admission process by utilising its automated placement system to guarantee fair competition among applicants.
“One thing we pride ourselves on is being able to place students in the fairest way possible. We can assure the Ministry that KUCCPS is ready for the task,” Dr Wahome said.
The 2022 Primary TTC trainee placement targets 2020 and 2021 secondary school leavers (including 2021 KCSE Candidates). The application was opened alongside that for universities and TVET colleges after the March 2022 KCSE exam for both Kenyans and non-Kenyans.
This will be the second cohort to be admitted to the public primary TTCs under the new Diploma in Teacher Education and Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education.
The programme was developed by the KICD and affirmative action will also be applied to benefit applicants with disabilities and those from marginalised regions, whose applications will be submitted and handled manually to take care of their special needs.
TTCs offer training for both Science (Diploma in Education Science) and Arts (Diploma in Education Arts) teachers. The diploma course lasts for 3 academic years. It is a pre-requisite from the Ministry of Education that aspiring secondary school teachers should have the below minimum KCSE qualifications for entry into DTE (Diploma in Teacher Education) course. Here are the latest general minimum requirements for students seeking to pursue teaching:
- Mean grade: C+ (plus)
- English: C (plain)
- Mathematics: D+ (plus) for those taking education arts and C (plain) for those hoping to undertake training in education science.
- Two specialization subjects (subjects you intend to teach at high school): C+
Subject Combination Offered
- Mathematics/Geography
- Mathematics/Business Studies
- Geography/Business Studies
- Geography/History
- Kiswahili/CRE
- Kiswahili/History
- Kiswahili/Geography
- English/CRE
- English/History
- English/Geography
- CRE/History
- CRE/Geography
- Biology/Agriculture
- Biology/Mathematics
- Computer Studies/Mathematics
- Home Science/English
- Home science/Geography