TSC promotions Interview score guide for September 2023
TSC interview scoring methodology. Have you recently submitted a job application for a TSC promotion? Do you intend to attend a job interview soon? So, for a step-by-step guide to getting your dream job grade, click here. Getting Ready for the Interview
A lot of the time, applicants give off the impression of being hurried and anxious on all fronts: emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Additionally, they do not spend the time required to prepare the required documentation for the interview.
They frequently overlook the fact that this might make an impression on your interviewers and possibly assist you win them over.
The following are the preparation steps you must do.
a. Dressing Code
What you dress is important since you don’t want it to be a talking point throughout the interview.
A quality skirt or trouser for ladies would suffice as long as it is not too tight.
We propose one that is not higher than the knee.
Men should also keep in mind that wearing a suit is not the only method to appear intelligent and well-organized.
b. Organizing Your Documents
Make sure your documents are organized and ready to go in a document wallet or envelope.
It would be best to order them starting with the most current.
Make sure that the panel has access to important documents as well.
C. Conduct
Avoid making any movements throughout the interview that would suggest that you are uneasy, nervous, or enthusiastic.
Avoid gazing around nervously or chewing anything in your mouth because these behaviors could indicate a lack of confidence.
TSC interview marking scheme
The way teachers’ promotions are handled has infuriated many in the teaching profession.
Most of them are very qualified for advancement, yet there is no convincing reason why they have not been promoted.
It’s important to note that a new instructor will be assigned to grade C2, which was formerly known as job group K.
After three years, the instructor will be moved up to grade C3.
Even though they meet the requirements for advancement, the majority of instructors continue to work in workgroup L, grade C3, today.
In actuality, the majority of instructors quit when the C3 level is reached.
The majority of instructors are hopeful that the commission will eventually become more just and supportive of deserving educators.
Grades C3 and C2 are constrained because a teacher cannot take an administrative position.
A teacher interview is necessary to move on to grade C4.
These interviews, which are typically promoted in print media, routinely invite qualified teachers.
TSC interview marking scheme
How to pass TSC promotion interviews September 2023
- Ascertain that your teaching subject has improved in comparison to past years. This implies that value is added to learners.
- By completing sufficient research, you may fully prepare for the interview day.
- Maintain an organized file system for all of your professional paperwork, including your teaching schedule.
- Fill out your TPAD form in hard copy and soft copy within the timeframes specified because it is a mandatory retirement
- Documentation of all activities is required.
- There must be documentation even if you have counseled a student or engaged in a community activity.
- The commission is now evidence-based. This evidence can be provided on the day of the interview.
- You must have a proper comprehension of the TSC code.
Reasons of not being promoted despite attending several interviews?
Inadequate budgetary promotion.
Lack of adequate preparation for interviews by teachers
State Why my transfer request has, not been granted despite several applications ?
- Lack of replacement/ vacancy.
- Not completed the 5 year mandatory rule since employment.
Give circumstance under which one can be demoted from headship?
- Adverse repots (Financial etc)
- Poor performance (Curriculum implementation & Supervision)
Why was i not posted to an institution of my choice after study leave or discipline case ?
- Postings are done for equitable distribution of teachers.
- Lack of vacancy.
Why was our institution not allocated any slots for recruitment ?
Overall vacancies slots given are very few in comparison to the total shortage
Is TSC considering teachers with disabilities on the 5% affirmative action ?
They have to apply and attend interviews.
They are given preference where there is a tie between to applicants.
Why are teachers with below C plain being left out yet they have completed university training ?
The Commission has set the minimum requirements for persons entering the teacher service to be at C plus.